Hi There

I present to you my personal blog! For a long time I postponed this task (Procrastinator me? Nope: P)

I’m very excited about what I’m going to be able to share with you! Why is there weird characters in my blog title? Some will probably recognize others not but it’s Chinese! I really like languages, and at the moment I’m learning Chinese and frankly, it’s super interesting.

I read a lot and I will try to share with you some of my readings that you might be interested in, lately I have been amazed by the reading of 1984, I had been planning to read it for a long time, but procrastination you know :) It’s sure that watching all the TV series possible and imaginable is cool, but not really super productive :) So yes, a big fan of series, I’ve come to use a management application, that’s to say!

Well, his life is cool, but what is he going to share on his blog? Eheh ! Lots of things, Hacking, Development, electronics tutorials, linux awsome stuffs etc!

Hope you enjoy the content.

Dim out !